SmartHealth Platform unlocks the power
of patient privilege
SmartHealth Platform enables safe sharing of patient encounter information securely and accurately both for targeted health campaigns initiated by an organization as well as for an individual’s management of his or her own personal health over time.
Better informed. Better healthcare. Anywhere.

SmartHealth Platform: The patient can be a custodian of their own health information - shown in blue - making it easier to share their past health information with current health workers as they choose.
Leading organizations such as the Pew Charitable Trusts, working with IPRD Solutions, have shown that patients and health workers everywhere want to access and share patient encounter information securely and accurately both for targeted health campaigns initiated by an organization as well as for an individual’s management of his or her own personal health over time.
Moreover, targeted health campaigns need to build on each other, leveraging individual patient encounter information and interventions throughout and across campaigns, regardless whether campaigns are in the same or different health verticals, and regardless whether campaigns depend on external point-of-care devices or digital health platforms that are already established in particular geographies and health verticals.
However, these goals have been difficult to achieve both in lower-middle-income (LMI) countries and elsewhere since national privacy and compliance regulations, as well as the absence of digital medical record systems in LMI countries, make it cumbersome for different health workers to share patient records. In addition, health workers need to be assured that any records they review belong to the patient in front of them and have remained unaltered even if they are days, months or years old, before they will use them in a health assessment.
The SmartHealth platform breaks through these barriers by providing the ability for patients and health workers to create and add SmartDocuments to a digital Patient Encounter or Personal Campaign folder stored in the custody of the patient or a clinic.
The patient and other health workers can then review any folder with the patient’s permission, days, months or years later. A SmartDocument may be as simple as a bar-code scan of a vaccine vial in a Vaccination Campaign or a rapid-diagnostic-test reading, or as complex as a machine-guided-diagnosis workflow or an AI-based biometric match to confirm the patient’s identity throughout a health campaign. Advanced data hashing and optional encryption techniques prove that the SmartDocuments have remained unchanged even if they’ve been in the custody of the patient, and make them unreadable by anyone other than the patient and who they designate. Optional advanced biometric matching ensures that a biometric captured when a SmartDocument was created matches the biometric captured when a SmartDocument is accessed even by another health worker.
Unlocking the power of patient-privilege
SmartHealth stores the record in the patient’s own personal long-term digital storage that often comes free with the purchase of a phone, or in the health worker’s long-term digital storage depending on the permission the patient gave. The records are unlocked by the patient’s biometric or other secure mechanism, and the patient chooses which records are shared with whom and for how long, even if they are remote from the health worker.
For the health worker, SmartHealth avoids many of the complexities and costs associated with privacy and compliance regulations especially if the patient is the custodian of their record.
All applications on the SmartHealth platform make it easy for a health worker to give a patient their record for their custody, as well as to obtain the patient’s permission for a health worker to store a copy of the record over a time period or permanently.
Simple does it.
SmartHealth can be especially useful when storing and retrieving simple medical records, such as blood sugar levels, HIV viral load count, or vaccination history. This is because reliable access to such simple information over time is a key factor for patients worldwide to receive better healthcare at lower cost, especially for chronic diseases, as well as to ensure adherence to drug or vaccination schedules.
Trust is everything.
A health worker will only review the patient’s record if they trust that the information belongs to the patient in front of them, and if they trust the integrity of the health information itself.
Every SmartHealth entry can be recorded and optionally secured with a biometric such as a face image. This biometric is automatically compared and displayed alongside a biometric of the patient acquired at a later time when a potentially different health worker attempts to review the SmartHealth entry. SmarthHealth automatically validates the patient’s identity, and the health worker can, too, so they know the entry corresponds to the patient in front of them.
SmartHealth also validates that the patient’s record has remained unchanged while in their custody and stamps every validated record with a SmartHealth Assurance Certificate. For example, this can prove the patient’s adherence to a vaccination schedule.